Friday, December 19, 2014

Pack Princess By Aimee Easterling

Pack Princess
By Aimee Easterling 


(Goodreads Summary)

As the first female alpha in living memory, Terra Wilder already has her hands full bringing old-fashioned uncles and cousins into line. But with a regional gathering of the ten clans on the horizon, the shifter will soon be faced with an even more arduous task: holding her own against a lineup of power-hungry pack leaders. 

Justin Young is the strongest of the opposing alphas, and he also happens to be the handsome, but disturbing older brother of Terra's own mate. Justin is far too powerful to vanquish in a pitched battle, so Terra instead opts to trick the alpha into supporting her cause by pretending to be a pack princess on the prowl for a husband. 

Flirting with a shifter who looks like a dark reflection of her true mate is no fun, but if Terra doesn't maintain her clan's independence, her male relatives risk being tossed out into the cold while her female cousins are turned into chattel. On the other hand, if Terra succeeds, she might just lose herself --- and her mate --- in the process. 

Pack Princess is the second book of the Wolf Rampant series, which begins with Shiftless.

Pack Princess Review

This is one of those books that you think you have everything worked out in the first couple of chapters, you think you know exactly what is going to happen. Well, you would be sadly mistaken with this book just when you think you have something figured out you are thrown for a loop. This is one of the reasons I love to read Aimee's books she never leaves you bored and you get way more than your moneys worth.
If you are looking for a strong female heroine and a sexy as hell Werewolf shifter well you have come to the right place. You might as well say #JustTakeMyMoneyNow.

 Don't forget to read the first book in this series 



(Goodreads Summary)
PMS is no fun for werewolves.

Forget the full moon, female werewolves shift uncontrollably at that time of the month. But after years of practice, teenaged Terra learns to squash her wolf, which allows her to flee the repressive village where she grew up.

A decade later, Terra realizes she has an even worse problem. After hiding from her wolf for so long, she is now shiftless, unable to change back into canine form.

When her father shows up with an ultimatum, Terra knows she'll have to learn to shift or return to her place in her family's pack. Will Wolfie, a nearby alpha who's more wolf than man, be a stumbling block in Terra's quest to maintain her freedom?

As Terra struggles to escape two werewolf packs that seem poised to suck her back in, the real question becomes --- does she really want to stay away

And Aslo Check out her Short Story

Bloodling Wolf


Bloodlings are rare shifters who are born in animal form. As a bloodling, Wolfie doesn't walk two-footed until he becomes a teenager, then he finds that the world looks very different after growing up as a canine. Can Wolfie find acceptance in a pack despite his differences?

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Shiftless: A Fantastical Werewolf Adventure (Wolf Rampant Book 1) By Aimee Easterling

Shiftless: A Fantastical Werewolf Adventure (Wolf Rampant Book 1)
  By Aimee Easterling


Book Description (Amazon) 

 March 21, 2014
PMS is no fun for werewolves.

Forget the full moon, female werewolves shift uncontrollably at that time of the month. But after years of practice, teenaged Terra learns to squash her wolf, which allows her to flee the repressive village where she grew up.

A decade later, the packless ache gnaws at her insides. But when Terra is ambushed by her father and half a dozen of his henchmen, she still struggles against being reeled back into her old life. Chief Wilder is adamant, yet he does offer one way out --- hunt down her nephew Keith, teach him to shift, and bring the youngster back into the fold in her place.

Problem upon problem piles up as Terra strives to do her father's bidding. The female shifter has hidden from her wolf for so long that she finds herself unable to change back into canine form, and she also realizes that her nephew is too good-natured to survive for a minute walking in his grandfather's footsteps. Will Terra be able to relearn her werewolf abilities --- and overcome her morals --- before her father steals away her hard-earned independence?

Shiftless is the first novel in the Wolf Rampant series, which continues with Pack Princess.

I am so happy to be writing this review. This book was so good it had me from the first chapter in fact, I could not put it down and finished it in one day. After my last review I am so happy to be writing a good review. 
I love shifter novels, but sometimes they can be a little dry or too predictable, so when I come across a book like this that keeps me on my toes I take notice. Aimee really understands what people want in the genre and gives it to them plus more. 
I really love the way she writes about the two different family upbringings of the main characters and how that in turn teaches Terra to come to turn with her own darkness, and to maybe be able to help others like her. 

I am so excited to read Aimee's new book Pack Princess and see where she takes the story.

Here are the links to where you can find more info on Aimee. and where you can find her books.

Updated: Gothic Gates By R.M.Simone

Before I even start, I hate writing a review like this. I was given this book to review in exchange for an honest review. I can not in good faith write a good review about this book. I would be risking you spending your hard earned money and buying this over priced book ($7.99 on Amazon) that is not even worth the time and energy to read if it was free.

Gothic Gates
By: R.M. Simone
**Stars (Only because this was a novel idea and, could have been good if it wasn't for the horrible writing.)

Gothic Gates (Goodreads Synopsis) 
Dante's France Mansion. His business Franchise is 'GOTH'. He Rules his world and the wealthy want INVITES to his Soiree's. Head of the Board Meeting of 12 and he is the master number 13. He is filled with secrecy and plays Chess in the underground world of other private societies in the light dark power global games. His Love he has just found. Will she now enter his World of GOTH and cross the threshold into his Heart? He is 'not a vampire' but an IMMORTAL. 

 A good book in my mind is one that you can't put down, you do the dishes one handed just so you don't have to stop reading. Unfortunately, this was not one of those books.  I even considered putting to book away for a few days and try reading it again. This was not the case in fact, it made me get mad that this storyline had fallen into the wrong hands and would not be told the way it was meant to be written.
The idea for this book is a girl meets ancient Alchemist they have amazing sex ( Like over 24 hrs straight) and slowly fall in love eventually, she becomes immortal along with him, they go on amazing adventures and face all the odds against them. Sadly this storyline alone was not enough to keep me interested. This was due to the fact that this book was so horrendously written. There were parts of this book (Whole chapters and sentences) that made no sense at all. I have to say this is not a book I could finish and I cannot recommend you buying this book.  
Especially when the price is $7.99
I will leave the link to where you can buy the book below along with the links to the authors Facebook and Goodreads accounts. 
Please, please, please take my warning don't waste your money.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

What I am reading.

Here is what I am reading, keep an eye out for the reviews. Feel free to go check them out yourselves. 

Gothic Gates by R.M. Simone
R.M.Simone FB

Missing Pieces by Tiffany Flowers

Shiftless by Aimee Easterling

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Updated: Book Review for Moonlight Lost by Sabrina Archer

Moonlight, Lost (Book 1 in The Moonlight Trilogy)
By Sabrina Archer

Available on Amazon Kindle
($.99 or free with Kindle Unlimited)


The pain of loss and the many secrets she kept from me would alter my life and heart forever. I just wish I would have known what was coming.

Jayde is a typical teenage girl. She's seventeen, popular and has the life anyone would want. As her eighteenth birthday approaches her mother begins to become detached and afraid. After her father is killed, everything begins to deteriorate rapidly. A whirlwind of events turns her whole world upside down. Between her father's death, her mothers detachment and those dark eyes watching her, Jayde has a lot of unanswered questions. Who could have known that those hypnotizing dark eyes would have all the answers.

I really loved this book I can't wait for the next book in the series. The story itself is an amazing concept that could really go places, it's one of those books you sit down a read and go wow this could be the next Twilight or Beautiful Creatures.

 With that being said, there is a reason I only gave is four stars. The writing lacks something, and I know in part this is because she is a new author. I am hoping that it will get better as the trilogy goes on and, she matures into her writing style. I feel like if she went back and, got a really good editor and rewrote and added on to the story in some places it would have helped with the flow little better. This could have easily been a 5 star book and I hope she keeps up the good work. I feel like we are going to be seeing a lot more of Sabrina in the future.


Saturday, December 6, 2014

Updated:Evolution (The Ternion Series Book 1) by: Zana king (Book Review) Available now

Evolution (The Ternion Series Book 1)

By Zana
Available Now on Amazon


Zana king is a brand new up and coming Indie arthur.I had the privilege to read and now review her very first book. I really hope you love this book as much as I did.

Evolution (The Ternion Series Book 1)

Goodreads description
Zana king GR Profile

Jasmine has had it rough and it doesn’t seem to be getting any easier. It turns out her boyfriend is cheating on her and on the night she kicks him out, her life changes completely. She hits the jackpot of a multi-state lottery and has to watch her back day and night after several threats on her life. Nick, her best friend and his husband are the only ones she can rely on and they help her adapt to her new life. Well, that is until one unexpected night. 

Kai and Zane are professional wrestlers who share a bond like no other. They are also on a mission to find the one woman who would complete them. Upon spotting Jasmine in the crowd during a show they knew she was the one for them. The one they had been waiting for who would change their lives forever.

But when her best friend disappears and she falls apart, they are reluctant to tell her the truth. Their secret could chase her away, and if they aren't careful, they could lose her forever. Can they convince her to take a chance on them or will she run?

Now that you know what the book is about let me tell you why you should read it.

From the moment I read the first chapter I knew this was one of those books that I was going to read in one sitting ignoring everything thing else I needed to get done. 
Oh, and did I feel like I was on a roller-coaster,  the whole time I was reading it was like WAM.... POW.... Holy shit balls batman omg I never seen that coming. The only real downfall of this book is that I felt it could have been a little longer, or maybe then again, that's just me wistfully wanting to know even more about these amazing characters, and this wonderful world Zana created. 
Zana King may be a new writer be she is definitely going places so make sure to keep an eye out for her, and from what I hear she may be making this into a series. Keep your fingers crossed on that one. 

Evolution is now available.
So maybe you could add this to your Christmas wish list to Santa or maybe get it for a friend.

Make sure to add her on Facebook so you keep up with upcoming releases.
Also make sure you go buy Zana's Freshman book on amazon its only $2.99
Zana king FB

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Things only book lovers get

Seven things only book lovers get.

1. You love the smell of books old & new.

2. The feeling of always being at home the moment you walk into a library or bookstore.

3. The feel and look of leather bound books.

4. Knowing you will most likely like someone or not based on what they are reading.

5. Finding out one of your favorite authors is releasing a new book.

6. Curling up with a good book and your favorite drink. ( Coffee, tea, cocoa. ...)

7. Finding out there is actually a name for your fear of running out of books to read.

Monday, November 3, 2014

my new blog

Hello everyone sorry about the move im not happy about it either. My other account was hacked and my whole blog was taken down :( so now I'm having to start all over agian.
               Sincerely Noel